Your expert in safe and reliable
transportation and distribution of
bulk gas in Côte d'Ivoire
About KORI Transport

KORI Transport offers tailor-made, safe and reliable transport modes meeting operational and economic requirements of its customers. KORI Transport guarantees that products get transported according to the strictest quality and safety standards.
KORI Transport is the first Ivorian ISO9001:2015-certified “SARL” engaged in the transport and distribution of bulk gas. The company was founded by Mister Diadjiri CISSOKO in 2007. The last letters of his last name (Cissoko) together with the last letters of his first name (Diadjiri) created the company name KORI Transport.
After a long professional life in France, the founder strived to share his European experience with the African continent. The objective was to become a leader in the bulk gas transport sector in Côte d’Ivoire, which we aim to achieve on a daily basis to the great satisfaction of our customers.
KORI Transport is an innovative transport company on several levels :
A fleet of new vehicles:
A fleet of constantly renewed trucks, connected and equipped with on-board IT solutions. -
A thorough knowledge of sensitive products:
Risk monitoring carried out through preventive actions and continuous training of our employees.
Corporate values
KORI Transport is an Ivorian company with100% family shareholding. We make it a point of honor to develop the company values in six axes of our quality process: Customer Satisfaction, Availability, Reactivity, Expertise, Quality and Safety.
At the same time, we invest in the skills of our employees. They are specialized in the transport of sensitive materials. We are committed to a permanent approach based on the safety of our employees and the satisfaction of our customers. Our QHSE department works tirelessly on the continuous improvement of our processes and carries out regular checks on our field activities to ensure that we respect our environment.
KORI Transport encourages the participation of women in important company decisions. Women represent 50% of the key positions in our organisation.
By implementing our vision and corporate values, KORI Transport has grown to one of the market leaders in the Ivorian bulk gas transportation sector. KORI Transport safely distributes more than 30000 tons of gas annually across Côte d’Ivoire.
Our timeline
Launch of CISSOKO Transport
CISSOKO Transport
KORI Transport
Mamadou CISSOKO becomes the new CEO
KORI Transport
is ISO certified
KORI Transport validates the Carrier Compliance Inspection-audit of TOTAL Côte d'Ivoire
KORI Transport wins the 2nd prize of the TOTAL Challenge Transporters

Number of employees: 3
Number of employees:12
Number of employees: 20
Number of employees: 35
Number of employees: 52
Our main service is the transportation and distribution of bulk butane gas in the most safe and reliable way and to the satisfaction of our customers. We also carry out after-sales service operations known as liquid take-back operations.
The transport of sensitive products is a challenge we have been facing for over 20 years. Our fleet of gas tanks equipped with safe gas distribution systems allows a reliable quality distribution for our clients.
With our well-equipped garage and team of professional mechanics, we perform maintenance and service operations on our equipment whenever this is needed.
We do all we can to be recognized as a premium choice business at the service for our customers.

At KORI Transport, we focus on great performance on Health, Quality, Service, Security and Environment (HQSSE Excellence). We consider this our top priority and we always strive to improve on it. All our drivers get trained on a regularly basis to make sure they are on top of the latest developments. Our other team members are provided with trainings to assure that our HQSSE values are always incorporated in our work. This resulted so far in having reached the highest standards in delivering our services in the sector.
Our second priority is Women Empowerment, with women participation in the work field flowing from there. We strongly believe in the strength and power of women. With KORI Transport, we strive for equality. 33% of our office personnel is female. Even higher is this percentage in our key positions. Almost 50% of our key positions are occupied by very talented and professional ladies. We are convinced that men and women empower each other when it comes to collaborating in challenging projects.
Social Responsibility
Relying on the competence of our employees, we guarantee the safety of people and we promote equal opportunities within KORI Transport.
Monitoring the risks that could have an impact on the environment, reduce the polluting emissions of our vehicle fleet, and raise our employees' awareness of right behaviour.
Specific training for each employee
The jobs within KORI Transport require a responsible approach to the safety aspects of our business. They also require a strong commitment to the continuous training of our teams to ensure a good level of performance.
Our global approach to occupational risk prevention includes regular awareness and training of all our employees.
All new employees benefit from mandatory initial training including modules on safety after strict recruitment tests.
We are proud to announce that all the efforts made in our quality policy have resulted in the achievement of our ISO 9001 v 2015 certification in 2018.
HQSSE excellence is a major driver for our company. We respect it on a daily basis through different aspects: a private security company, control station with surveillance cameras, smoke detection systems, fire extinguishers installed in each vehicle, barbed wire and electric fences to secure our garage, professional and innovative geolocation solutions for the follow-up of our fleet which allows real time management of our activities, fuel management..
We are able to evaluate our reactivity in the field through accident simulations that help us test our safety emergency plan. Our team is trained to work according to strict procedures that require annual updates on how we act in the event of an emergency. This is essential in our business.

Our objectives

Working at
KORI Transport
We are happy to know that our employees are proud to work with us. By having HQSSE Excellence and equal opportunities as our top priorities, we create a safe and equal work ambiance for all our team members.
Working at KORI Transport means working on challenging projects, developing your knowledge and skills, developing your personal growth and contributing to our goals in a professional way. Together we’ll lift KORI Transport to a higher level!
Our partners

+225 27 21 35 56 49
+225 05 54 70 79 18