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What is an ADR plate?


First of all, it should be noted that ADR is an acronym which in French means agreement for the transport of dangerous goods.

Thus, for the road transport of dangerous goods it is mandatory to indicate using pictograms the danger and the material transported on the different machines for greater safety. Thus, we have two (02) types of plates or labels at our disposal:

1- ADR plate with danger code

2- ADR plate with danger symbol

The hazard code is made up of two or three digits corresponding to the hazard class of the product ranging from 1 to 9:

• The first number corresponds to the main danger,

• The 2nd and 3rd digits represent the secondary hazard(s) if any. If there is no secondary hazard, the 2nd digit is a zero,

• When a number is doubled, it indicates an intensification of danger,

• An X preceding a number means that the use of water is prohibited because the product reacts violently on contact with it.


For example, for the product transported by KORI Transport, we have for the danger code 23 which must be read as follows:

2: Gas

3: Flammable liquid


For the UN number, 1965 refers to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).



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